Sunday, April 4, 2010

BLOCKS 7-8: MARCH 1-26

HAPPY 27TH BIRTHDAY TO ME! I am closer than ever to my goals, and although I hadn't reached my goal weight by my birthday, I will reach it shortly. The most important thing is that I am improving every day, growing stronger, losing weight at a healthy rate, eating healthy foods, and managing to keep my sanity.

I failed myself a bit in the bookkeeping department for the month of March. I think I forgot to record a few days of exercise, but I'm going to suck it up, and not count them. Bummer.

There was a lot going on in March-- birthday celebrations, work, and a fantastic 7-day vacation with my sister and her family in Oahu! Although I did go swimming a couple of times (and chased around toddlers!), I'm not going to count any exercise for those days either. Soo.... basically, March was all over the place exercise-wise. The Lesson? It's not the end of the world at this point to miss a few days of exercise. Even with a different diet on vacation (and some indulgences--- ice cream cake and kahlua pork!), I maintained my weight.

That being said, starting March 27th I started an intense 30-day fitness program. More on this slightly insane undertaking in my next post.

Recently, I was looking over some photos from 2008. I can't wait to post those photos compared with photos from earlier this month. I can't believe the difference-- I am so proud of how much healthier & stronger I am now.

3.1.10 30 min. aerobics
3.2.10 30. min. elliptical
3.3.10 *REST*
3.4.10 35 min. "yoga meltdown"
3.5.10 *REST*
3.6.10 *REST*
3.7.10 20 min. aerobics (I'm counting it!)
3.8.10. B-day ;)
3.9.10 *REST*
3.10.10 50 minutes aerobics
3.11.10 ?
3.12.10 ?
3.13.10 ?
3.14.10 ?
3.15.10 ?
3.16.10 - 3.26.10 Vacation & REST! ;)

The first couple of photos below are from 2008. Around the holidays '08 I was at my heaviest... over 20 pounds heavier than I weigh now. The last photos are of me & Ben earlier this month at my 27th birthday dinner.

Don't get me wrong... while I've had my insecurities about my body and looks over the years, in GENERAL I've always thought I was a beautiful girl. I'm not posting these pictures because I was so down on myself then.... I just feel so much better about myself now! And while I was never incredibly overweight, and 20+ pounds might not seem like a lot, when you're 5'3" (ish) it makes a big difference!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I really fell off near the end of February... but again, not the end of the world. Still making progress towards my goals, and March is already going better.

I think it's time I mentioned that I am doing all of this WITHOUT a gym membership. This isn't really by choice... I'm not a gym-hater, I just don't have the extra cash to go towards a membership right now. I actually like to go to the gym, and have had memberships at several different gyms over the years. I like having all the equipment, the classes, the drive to keep jogging on the treadmill because you don't want to look like a schmuck for stopping after five minutes (thanks for the inspiration from your facebook note, Ben. L. ;) So true, so true.)

So how am I getting exercise? I have a few different options right now:

*MINI-GYM: Our apartment complex, like many complexes, has a "gym". I use the word really, really loosely in this case, because the equipment at our particular complex is beyond old.... I'm talking a "treadmill" that doesn't work most of the time and looks like something Richard Simmons might have used in the 80s. Creaky, worn belt, and some sort of wind-up knob to adjust the incline. That being said, there is an equally ancient stairstepper, a fairly new, if squeaky, elliptical machine, and some sort of all-in-one weight machine. This motley collection of equipment seems out of place to me-- our apartment is nice, and even the gym rooms are nice-- there's even a sauna. I'm guessing they just haven't wanted to spend the money on new equipment that most people won't use. So, in summary, the only equipment I usually use is the elliptical machine and occasionally the stairstepper. I also just use the empty space and bring my own hand weights.

*EXERCISE VIDEOS!: Okay, now this is my not-so-secret secret. A few months ago I discovered there are free workout videos in the OnDemand section of our cable TV. I was really skeptical at first. I mean, workout videos? Cheesy, and probably not a great workout. But, I gave them a shot, and this is the way I usually workout these days (much to my own surprise). I really see a lot of benefits to these workouts at home. I'm a natural multi-tasker. If I'm spending time at home I might as well, for example, have laundry going and be working out at the same time. Also, as my boyfriend will undoubtedly agree, I take a long time to get ready to go anywhere. It's how I am-- it takes me awhile to get out the door. So, it ends up saving me a lot of time (and gas!) to work out at home.

All that being said, there are some really good and some downright terrible exercise videos. I've narrowed down my favorites to Jillian Michaels and "The Biggest Loser" workouts. Love/hate the show-- doesn't matter. These workouts are quick (usually about 30 minutes) and I have really seen an increase in my strength and fitness over the last couple of months using mainly these routines. By FAR the toughest workouts I've done are those concocted by evil-fitness-mastermind Jillian Michaels. She is brutal, but her workouts really do toughen you up. I particularly like "No more trouble zones". Just today I did a new workout of hers called "Yoga Meltdown". To me, "yoga" implies something sort of soft and relaxing... it's the second part of the name that is a more accurate description. I had a tough time making it through this workout (ouch!), but I'm excited to have something new to try. Variety is the key to keeping me interested and challenged.

*HIKING: Ben, my boyfriend, hates gyms, has bad knees, and loves being outside. All of these things make hiking a great activity for both of us to do together (I don't like jogging around outside, especially in rainy Oregon, and Ben's knees can't take it anyway). We live really close to the Columbia Gorge, and there is a myriad of excellent hiking trails right in our own backyard. I love the feeling of completing a 2-4 hour hike (nice calorie burn!), spending time with Ben, and seeing some amazing scenery. Win-win-win!

Here's my summary for end of February. 2 months down!

2.21.10 2.5 mile hike w/ Ben.
2.22.10 40 minute walk w/ Ben.
2.23.10 30 minute aerobics.
2.24.10 *REST*
2.25.10 *NADA*
2.26.10 *Lots of work*
2.27.10 *Still nothing*
2.28.10 *REST* Back on track 3/1!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


This update is long overdue. But, I'm not going to stress about it-- that's a lesson that Ben has tried to get through to me these past few weeks, and I think it's finally sinking in: all the good things I'm doing for my health will not help me if DOING these things stresses me out in the first place. That being said, I still want to stay focused and make steady progress towards my goals while giving myself a break, both mentally and physically, if things don't always go as planned.

So, let's see how I've been doing these past few weeks!


1.21.10 30 min. elliptical
1.22.10 20 min. cardio kickboxing; 12 min. of yoga
1.23.10 Multnomah Falls hike w/ Ben (appx. 1 hour)
1.24.10 *REST*
1.25.10 *REST*
1.26.10 35 min. aerobics ("no more trouble zones"--ouch!; 10 min. of yoga
1.27.10 30 min. yoga
1.28.10 35 min. aerobics (it's getting easier!)
1.29.10 *REST*
1.30.10 20 min. "dance" workout (lame! and too easy); 25 min. aerobics
1.31.10 *honestly, I forgot to record this day! We'll say it was *REST*


2.1.10 *REST*
2.2.10 1.5 hr. walk w/ Ben
2.3.10 *REST*
2.4.10 30 min. aerobics; 10 min. yoga
2.5.10 30 min. aerobics
2.6.10 30 min. aerobics
2.7.10 *REST*
2.8.10 2 hr. Angel's Rest hike w/ Ben
2.9.10 30 min. aerobics
2.10.10 *REST*


2.11.10 hmm... another day I forgot to record. *REST*
2.12.10 *REST*
2.13.10 30 min. aerobics
2.14.10 *REST*
2.15.10 35 min. aerobics
2.16.10 *REST*
2.17.10 30 min. aerobics
2.18.10 5.2 mile hike w/ Ben (Wahkeena Falls to Multnomah Falls)
2.19.10 *REST*
2.20.10 30 min. aerobics

So, it looks like my averages have been slipping a bit. BUT, I still want to focus on the positive-- I'm in this to obtain lasting results. I'm only a few pounds away from my goal weight, but more importantly I'm feeling stronger than ever. It is getting harder to fit in exercise as I'm working more (which is great!), so this is what I want to focus on for the next block.

My focus for the next few weeks: fit in exercise as much as I can, but don't stress! Focus on improving my strength and health, and work on doing new and different types of exercises to keep myself interested.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I feel like a cursed sophomore album... first time around goes swell, then the second effort is pure crap.

I've decided to evaluate my progress in 10 day increments-- this makes it more like a tri-monthly update, which is less laborious and keeps things straight in my head.

So, BLOCK 2.

This was a tough ten days, full of highs and lows. It seems like I either ended up doing a LOT of exercise, or none at all. I ended up with a BAD average this block-- only 5 - 5. Not exactly bad, actually... but certainly not on par with my goals. I am not deterred, however... I still have plenty of time to get my average back up where it should be.

This ten days I noticed a lot more of "life" getting in the way... being tired, having plans, going out of town. But I did learn that even with these obstacles, it is possible to fit exercise into my routine, although it's not easy. And it is during these busy times that I really need to set a time to exercise, and stick with it. I also realized that I'm much more successful when I exercise in the morning... then for the rest of the day I enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Just completing that 30 minutes or so of exercise makes me feel better. I feel like I enjoy the day more, knowing that I can change plans and be flexible since I've already made time to exercise.

Ben & I did go on a gorgeous, spontaneous hike up Larch Mountain (only about a half hour away from us here in Gresham). The road was closed (I think they close it for the winter, regardless of whether there's snow or not), but we parked and started walking up the road just to "check it out" (quoting Ben). We had our CamelBacks in the car, ready to go, but we didn't bring them with us since we figured we wouldn't be able to find the trailhead (not the best idea). Long story short, we ended up hoofing it all the way up to the top of Larch Mountain, and even though we were hungry, cold, and tired, the view was worth it! Eight-and-a-half miles later we made it back to the car, vowing to do the "real" hike again (one way from Multnomah falls, with water and food!)

Also, we had a wonderful weekend at Newport beach with friends. It is HARD to tear yourself away from all the social activities going on and make yourself exercise, but I did manage to squeeze in a 30 minute walk/jog on the windy, windy beach. It was gorgeous, but I did not feel very good. I kept getting side aches, and could really feel all the heavy food I'd been eating those couple of days. Blecchh! I did realize, though, that friends are supportive and understand when you need to check out for awhile to exercise.

Well, let's go Block 3. I'm ready to try for a better average. In other good news... I really feel like I'm getting stronger! I notice this especially while doing Pilates... moves that were really challenging a few weeks ago now feel quite a bit easier. Hooray for noticeable progress!

1.11.10 *REST*
1.12.10 *REST*
1.13.10 2.75 miles on the treadmill. Walk, jog, run!
1.14.10 8.5 mile hike up Larch Mountain w/ Ben. Yikes!
1.15.10 *REST*
1.16.10 30 minute walk/jog on the beach. Very windy. Crampy. Too much junk food @ the beach.
1.17.10 *REST*
1.18.10 30 minutes of Pilates
1.19.10 *REST*
1.20.10 30 minutes of aerobics

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The First 10 Days

I've never really been one for New Years Resolutions. I always took the "well, everyone always craps out on their resolutions after a month anyway, so why bother?" stance.

HOWEVER... I realized that if you set yourself reasonable goals, with the proper reinforcement, the start of the new year is a great time to go after them. It's the opportunity for a fresh start, etc., etc. I don't think people are any more or less likely to successfully bring about changes in their lives at this time of the year versus any other time. The prospect of a new year, a fresh start-- these can give us a push in the right direction, but I'm willing to bet that people who don't stick to their resolutions do so not because they are "New Year's Resolutions", but because they are unreasonable or poorly planned out goals in the first place.

That being said, it is VERY difficult to change aspects of our own lives. Perhaps I have found it especially hard to make New Year's Resolutions because of all the hype-- if you announce to everyone that you're resolving to do or not do something, and then you fail, it's almost expected!

Considering all of the above, I am setting myself a somewhat reasonable, somewhat difficult, but totally attainable and awesome goal for 2010:

260 days of physical activity
105 days of rest

That's it.

More or less. It's simple, straightforward, easy to remember.

Here are the very basic rules I've given myself:

1. Minimum requirements: must last AT LEAST 30 minutes."Physical Activity" is pretty loosely defined in my mind. It can be as rigorous as running or aerobics, or as subdued as a long walk or a half-hour of yoga or pilates. This loose definition is actually one of the biggest reasons I think my crazy scheme is going to work: I know myself well enough to KNOW that I won't keep up with 5+ days a week of aerobics or running. The easier days will STILL incorporate physical activity and strength building into my life, while giving me the opportunity to "actively rest". One of the most important aspects of this whole thing is to build physical activity into my (almost) daily life, so that it becomes a well-formed habit. It's something I just need to DO, and it won't do any good to set myself a regiment I don't think I'll be able to keep up with.

2. Keep a record of what I eat. This is something I've already gotten in the habit of doing over the last couple of months on a nifty iPhone app. By all accounts, this is one of the best ways to help you shed a few pounds or maintain your weight-- simply being aware of what you eat day in & day out helps you make better food choices.

3. Reach my goal weight by March. I have a reasonable eight pounds or so to lose in order to be at my goal weight. I think I can reach this by mid-March, although I'm not really sure how putting on muscle will affect this goal. We'll see. But the ideal is to reach my goal weight by the Shamrock Run (8k) I'm running on March 14th. That being said, I don't want to be overly fixated on weight-- the main goal is to be healthy, strong, and active.

4. Keep a running total of days of activity / lazy days. Pretty self-explanatory. It will be helpful to know where I'm at.

4. Don't give up if I slip up. This is huge for me. It is easy to get discouraged, easy to feel like the whole thing has fallen apart if you have a few unruly days. BUT, the beauty of this whole plan is that I DO have "free" days built in-- 105 of them. And I have a feeling I'm going to need them.

SO..... it's JANUARY 10th, and I already have several days of exercise completed! Here's how I've been doing so far... (this is mostly just to keep myself accountable).

1.1.10 30 minutes. Aerobics. Tough. Killed my hammies!
1.2.10 1 hr. 50 min. walk w/ Ben.
1.3.10 40 min. walk w/ Ben.
1.4.10 20 min. on the elliptical machine. 5 killer minutes on the stairstepper. 5 minutes cooldown on the bike.
1.5.10 30 minutes of pilates @ home.
1.6.10 *REST*
1.7.10 *REST*
1.8.10 45 minutes of aerobics. Still tough, but not AS tough.
1.9.10 30 minutes of pilates @ home. I feel like my abs are getting stronger already!
1.10.10 30 minutes of aerobics.